The book of Ephesians wasn’t written in the context of academic research but against the backdrop of hostility, conflict and battle. Paul wrote from prison, not as an academic, but a warrior.
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In the World, for the World
Like Jesus, we must be God-focussed, yet manifestly incarnational. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, not distanced from us. His first sign was performed not in the temple precinct (which would have been Satan’s preference) but at a wedding party!
‘Go and make disciples’
Jesus commanded the Apostles to go and make disciples. They instinctively went and planted churches. Church life is the key to discipleship and creates an alternative culture where heavenly values can be formed on earth.
He is the Lord and He reigns on high!
For the last two years I have been using the daily Bible reading plan designed by the famous Scottish preacher, Robert Murray McCheyne. It takes you through the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice in a […]
J.O. Fraser on Prayer
J.O. Fraser, sometimes called ‘Fraser of Lisuland’ is one of my great heroes. He was a China Inland Missionary at the beginning of the 20th century, penetrating the Lisu people who lived in tribal settlements in mountainous regions of the […]
The end of the beginning
Dear friends, we are coming to the end of the beginning. We’ve some ‘i’ dotting and ‘t’ crossing to do. But the principle is clear. Jesus didn’t hand over to one successor, not even Peter!
Honouring the future
So apostolic churches are caught up ‘together on a mission’. That’s not just the name of a conference, it’s who we are! We are nations, crossing borders, entering, moving on, trying to recapture Biblical Christianity.
What was the Apostolic task? (continued)
The word ‘father’ is another word associated with apostolic ministry. Paul says the Corinthian church may have had many teachers but not many fathers. Paul says, ‘I became your father through the gospel.’ He developed relationships with churches.
What was the Apostolic task?
The 3,000 saved on the Day of Pentecost were described as being ‘added’ to a small community founded on these apostles. Ephesians 2:20 says that the church, this new temple, is being built upon that foundation.