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Book Reviews
Salvation Belongs To Our God
Salvation Belongs To Our God
by Chris Wright
The sub-title to Chris Wright’s fine book is ‘Celebrating the Bible’s central story’. Knowing that you are saved is undoubtedly the greatest thing that can ever happen to you. Knowing more about God’s salvation can only enrich that experience.
God saves in so many ways. In the Old Testament He saved Israel from their enemies, gave them victory in battle, healed them from their sicknesses, rescued them from their persecutors and vindicated them in court. All these are seen as experiencing God’s great salvation.
In the New Testament, Peter is saved from drowning, many are saved from sickness and some even from physical death. God saves us from many crises. As Chris Wright points out, ‘We humans need a lot of saving’!
However, salvation from sin and judgement becomes the central theme of the book and we are plainly shown that this salvation belongs to God. Seeing salvation from this perspective is so releasing and faith-building. In our man-centred society it is so refreshing to be reminded that only God can save, and indeed not any god but only the one revealed in the Bible who has been saving right throughout the Bible story and whose salvation is celebrated by the singing throng in the book of Revelation.
Seeing God’s great plan of salvation from Abraham through Moses and on into the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus and his great work of salvation on the cross will strengthen your faith.