This is the 1st message of a 3 part series that was recorded at the annual newfrontiers international leadership conference, Together On A Mission 2009 in Brighton.
Knowing Jesus Through The Old Testament
The author makes it clear that our understanding of Jesus can only be properly grounded by a full grasp of the Old Testament background to his coming.
Prophetic evangelism
A provocative book full of living illustrations that demonstrate not only insight into the prophetic ministry but also a very challenging and stimulating evangelistic passion.
Moving in the Prophetic
None of us who know Greg and his fine reputation will be surprised to learn that this book, on the use of the gift of prophecy in the local church, is Biblically rooted, wonderfully practical and completely accessible.
Prayer and Prophecy
Regular, three times a year, days of prayer and fasting have played a key role in the lives of elders and leaders of Newfrontiers churches in the UK for about 30 years. From the earliest years, when about 35 of us gathered, right through to the present when 6-700 gather, we have repeatedly sensed God’s powerful presence as we have prayed together.